Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Geriatric Dentistry–A Review

Dr. Ameet Mani, Dr. P. P. Marawar, Dr. Tushar Bhople, Dr. Richa Patel, Dr. Shubhangi Mani

Abstract :

Advances in science and technology have led to an increase in life span of human beings. The problems that this older population group face need to be given more attention and need to be ought more into the forefront of dental and oral medicine.Studies have shown the attitudes of geriatric population towards dentistry are changing.As people age they are better educated than previous generations of older adults.They have higher expectations about maintaining and preserving their natural dentitions and they have better financial resources to fulfill their expectations.It is important for the oral health providers to understand ageing in order to meet the needs of this population.This review article focuses on the strategies to provide a professional service that is sensitive and cå, supplemented with proper operatory design.

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Dr.Ameet Mani, Dr.P.P.Marawar, Dr.Tushar Bhople, Dr.Richa Patel, Dr.Shubhangi Mani Geriatric Dentistry-A Review Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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