Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Genetic Variability Among Mythical Kinnaura Tribe

Ravi Kiran Sharma

Abstract :

 The Kinnauras live in the Trans–Sutlej Valley around Kinner Kailash in the frontier district of Kinnaur, the tribal district of Himachal Pradesh. The data was randomly collected on the basis of region from Lower, Middle and Upper Kinnaur comprising of sub–divisions Nichar, Kalpa and Puh of district Kinnaur respectively. In all, 300 individuals in age group of 12–65 years were randomly sampled for the distribution of ten human hereditary traits with sharp contrast between the dominant and recessive phenotypes. The Kinnaura tribe display significant territorial and ethnic diversity which may be due to migration, admixture and confluence of Hinduism and Buddhism. The people of Lower Kinnaur are primarily of the Mediterranean physical type, mostly Hindus though the ethno–historical factors have resulted in some Buddhist Influence. The people of Middle Kinnaur are of mixed racial strain with marked Mongoloid and Mediterranean features. The inhabitants are Buddhist as well as Hindus. The people of Upper Kinnaur have predominance of Mongoloid physical type with maximum Mahayana Buddhist influence. The most of the characters among Kinnaura tribe have undergone fixation and are inherited generation after generation, which may be reflected as an overall typical appearance of the Kinnauras.

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Ravi Kiran Sharma Genetic Variability Among Mythical Kinnaura Tribe Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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