Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

General Approach Towards Treatment of Chikungunya (Janapadodwampsaroga) in Ayurveda–a Review Article

Dr. Dhiman Ambika, Dr. S. K. Hiremath, Dr. Deepa

Abstract :

Chikungunyais a viral disease transmitted from human to human by the bites of infected Aedesaegypti mosquito. It is mainly characterized by fever and joint pain along with other symptoms and affects mass people. Line of management donot have successive measurements and growth of these vectors. Ayurveda stressescommunicable disease as epidemic condition under Janpadodhwamsa. Factors affecting are jala, vayu, desha and kala, which are known asdooshivishaprakopakanidana. Any Disturbance in these factors is responsible for production of vectors which are major cause of communicable disease like Chikungunya etc. Sushruta has also mentioned such conditions under Oupsargikaroga i.e. communicable disease. Agantukanidana’s can be compared with virus,in modern era. In classics as there is not direct reference regarding chikungunyabut we can equate the symptoms of vatapittajjwara and vatakaphajjwara and can treat with same line . Unless and until the dooshivisha and their nidana are not rectified, the signs and symptoms are not going to be relieved completely. Hence these factors are considered as the aggravating factors for the body and Agadatantra plays an important role in the management of such disorders.

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Dr.Dhiman Ambika, Dr. S.K.Hiremath, Dr.Deepa General Approach Towards Treatment of Chikungunya (Janapadodwampsaroga) in Ayurveda –a Review Article Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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