Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Gender Difference in Mall Shopping Behaviour at Chennai city

V. Sujatha, B. Mitra Priya

Abstract :

 The Shopping mall concept gained momentum in Chennai city as people have less time at their disposal 

and want to enjoy shopping under one roof. With a sample of 250 respondents this paper attempted to 
understand the visiting pattern of mall shoppers and also examined the attitude of mall shoppers towards mall environment and tenant mix. Chi–square test, cross tabulation and discriminant analysis has been conducted for the purpose 
of analysis. The result of the analysis revealed that difference exists in frequency of visit, purpose of visit and in the 
male and female attitude towards tenant mix. 

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V. Sujatha, B.Mitra Priya Gender Difference in Mall Shopping Behaviour at Chennai city Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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