Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Gender and Emotional Intelligence among Adolescents

Dr. K. Anuradha, Dr. C. Kalapriya

Abstract :

In this research an attempt has been made to investigate Gender and Emotional Intelligence among Adolescents. The sample consisted of 100 college students ranging in age between 16–17 years studying in Junior and Senior Intermediate of Tirupati town. The sample consisted of 50 Boys and 50 Girl adolescents. The participants were administered with Emotional Intelligence scale developed by Mangal and Mangal (2004). T– test was used for analysis. The results of the study indicated significant difference between Boys and Girls Emotional Intelligence among adolescents.

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Dr.K.Anuradha, Dr.C.Kalapriya Gender and Emotional Intelligence among Adolescents Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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