Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Garment Purchase Factors responsible for the “Need turned Greed”

Mallika Babu, Dr. Kishor Barad

Abstract :

 Clothes, which are considered as basic need has crossed various stages of need from social, esteem to self actualization. Today, the drivers for demand for garment purchase are beyond the basic intention. This review article analyses various factors which drives people to purchase garments more than their requirement. This article emphasizes on the significance of various factors which play a major role in increasing the greed of customers towards purchasing garments. Demand drivers are found different for various demographic segments and interestingly, ands are playing emotionally to attract customers than targeting them with benefit segmentation. Today, garments are purchased to satisfy social and ego needs and the emotional cues in purchasing garments are also playing a major role in garment industry

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Mallika Babu, Dr.Kishor Barad Garment Purchase Factors responsible for the Need turned Greed Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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