Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Ganglioneuroma in children: A diagnostic Dilemma

Sharma Deen D, Sharma Pramila, Shukla Arvind K, Raipuria Gurudatt, Shukla Ramendra

Abstract :

 The relatively low incidence of Ganglioneuroma often makes the diagnosis in dilemma. Usually, they are clinically silent; regardless of their size they should be included in the differential diagnosis of any retroperitoneal mass.[1–3] A four year old girl presented to us with complaints of vague abdominal pain on & off since last 6 months. On clinical examination, a globular mass with firm in consistency was felt over the right lumbar and umbilical region. Laboratory examinations were normal and imaging studies & FNAC revealed a benign mass. The mass was excised almost completely except from the base, where it was adherent to the IVC and Aorta. Post operative outcome was uneventful. Histopathology and Immunochemistry confirmed the diagnosis of Ganglioneuroma.

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Sharma Deen D, Sharma Pramila, Shukla Arvind K, Raipuria Gurudatt, Shukla Ramendra Ganglioneuroma in children: A diagnostic Dilemma Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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