Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Future Prospects of Workers in Survice Indusrty; Perception in Workers Views

Ms. Neha Mehra, Dr. Promila Sharma

Abstract :

 Workplaces comprise a large component of life participation. The complexity of work organization makes it challenging to understand how the environment impacts the health of workers and who is responsible for creating a health workplace. The purpose of combining ergonomics with front office workers is to reduce occupational health hazards of the workers. Front office is an important industry where numbers of human resources are involved in front office task. There is enough information contained here to allow a single employee to set up their own workstation to suit the way they work. This paper provides with the information and tools necessary to analyze job satisfaction amongst front office workers. The interview schedule was found to be an appropriate tool, which would adequately gather information pertaining to research work. This would then enhance job satisfaction, health status and lifestyle of the employees at official level.


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"Ms. Neha Mehra, Dr. Promila Sharma Future Prospects of Workers in Survice Indusrty; Perception in Workers Views Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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