Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2018


Dr. Suryakant Ratan Chaugule

Abstract :


The Digital India agenda has created opportunities for many ministries and departments of the government to come together and develop integrated solutions. But many technology providers, and indeed even some policy planners, have begun to consider Digital India opportunity as synonymous to the development of smart cities and the “Internet of Everything”. In reality, the benefits of a truly Digital India for rural areas are even more significant than the more trendy applications that urban planners can envisage. This point was ought home to some of us at NASSCOM Foundation in a conversation with secretary (panchayat) and her team in Delhi a few weeks ago. During a discussion on the National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM) and the excitement at making over two hundred million citizens and families access and disseminate information for building better livelihoods, it emerged that the vehicles that could drive the digital literacy agenda could be used to provide various other services to the rural population. A village of just over a thousand people in the India served as an eye–opener to our team. The story of this village, which has moved from a drought prone state of penury twenty years ago to a stage where hardly three of its inhabitants qualify for below poverty line (BPL) status, is a story of leadership and commitment helped to some extent by technology.  a flourishing cricket career to take on the reins of the village and invested in education and regular gram sabhas to rid the village of the twin scourges of alcoholism and illiteracy is fond of talking about the people movement inspired by him that led to this transformation. The e–Panchayat software installed in the village that helps keep track of all critical parameters of village health may not be core to the success of this remarkable village, but certainly is a catalyst for its ongoing progress            

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Dr. Suryakant Ratan Chaugule, FUTURE OF RURAL INDIA IS A DIGITAL INDIA, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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