Volume : VIII, Issue : XI, November - 2018

Fundus Oculi changes in patients of Chronic Kidney disease

V Elisha Raju, D Kesava Rao, K Ravi Shekar Rao, Mohammed Ather

Abstract :


Aim: To study fundus oculi changes in cases of Chronic Kidney disease.

Materials and Methods: This is a Prospective Observational study conducted at the department of Ophthalmology of Gandhi Medical college/Gandhi Hospital during June 2015 to May 2016.

50 patients of Chronic Kidney disease(CKD) referred to the department of Ophthalmology for fundus examination were included in the study. Patient who were not willing to be part of study were excluded. All patients were examined by an experienced Ophthalmologist using Snellen’s chart, Slit lamp, Direct and Indirect Ophthalmoscope.

Result: Of 50 patients included 27 were males, 23 females. Age group varied from 18 years to 80 years. Etiology of CKD includes, 16 Diabetic Nephropathy , 9 Pyelonephritis , 1 Pregnancy induced Hypertension , 24 Primary Hypertension . 5 patients had Proliferative diabetic Retinopathy, 15 had Mixed picture of Diabetic Retinopathy and Hypertensive Retinopathy. 25 patient had Grade III to grade IV Hypertensive Retinopathy. 5 patients had no significant fundus changes.

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Fundus Oculi changes in patients of Chronic Kidney disease , V Elisha Raju, D Kesava Rao, K Ravi Shekar Rao, Mohammed Ather , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-11 | November-2018

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