Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Fund Flow Analysis of Jalgaon District Central Co–operative Bank Ltd, Jalgaon

Mr. Mukesh B. Ahirrao, Mr. Vijendra Thombre

Abstract :

 Fund flow analysis can reveal the strength and weakness in utilization of available fund for business purpose. This is an attempt to identify and analyze these aspects with reference to Jalgaon District Central Co–oper – ative Bank LTD, Jalgaon. The objective of undertaking this study is to identify the strength and weakness in fund manage – ment both short term and long term. This study is based entirely on secondary data i.e., financial statement of Bank for 3 years viz., 2010–11, 2011–12, 2012–13, annual reports for these three years and important feedback from key employees of the bank.This study will provide important aspects regarding how its fund is utilized for the banking and non banking opera – tion. It will provide valuable sense on its performance resulted from its operation. From this analysis, I have concluded that fund management at JDCC Bank (both short term & long term) is adverse. And this is narrowing the profit margin of Bank

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Mr. Mukesh B. Ahirrao,Mr. Vijendra Thombre Fund Flow Analysis of Jalgaon District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd, Jalgaon Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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