Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

Functional recovery following surgery of spinal tumours.

Riyadh Ahmed Abid, Ahmed Rhadi Obaid, Muhammed Hameed Faeadh

Abstract :

  Abstract: objectives: The Goal of our study was to determine the functional recovery following spinal surgery for patients of spinal tumors & to evaluate the positive & negative factors affecting the functional recovery. Methods: A retrospective study of 40 patients between 2010–2016 was performed in Al–Shaek Zaed teaching hospital for neurosurgical specialization & in neurosurgical hospital. Patient age, sex, presentation, tumor types, locations, type of surgery & surgical outcome were evaluated. Results: There were 15 men and 25 women. Men presented at a younger age than women. Mean duration of symptoms prior to diagnosis was 1–3 months. Schwannomas had the longest mean duration of symptoms (6 months), followed by meningiomas (5 months), and ependymomas (2 months). About 42% patients had residual focal deficits on long term follow–up. Conclusions: Earlier Surgery for spinal tumor produce significant and dramatic improvement in great majority of patients, especialy in extradural extra–medullary benign tumors.

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Riyadh Ahmed Abid, Ahmed Rhadi Obaid, Muhammed Hameed Faeadh, Functional recovery following surgery of spinal tumours., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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