Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Front Line Demonstrations of Different Crop Management Practices in Malwa Region of Madhya Pradesh

R. P. S. Shaktawat, H. P. Singh, Durga Singh, S. P. S. Somvanshi

Abstract :

The front line demonstrations (FLD) were conducted in the selected village Udpura District Mandsaur (MP) on soybean, wheat and garlic crops at the selected farmer’s fields during the Kharif and Rabi seasons of 200809 involving farmers with their resources as active participants. The results revealed that sulphur application significantly increased the yield of soybean as compared with no application of sulphur. There was 15.69 per cent increase in seed yield compared with control (farmer’s practice). Application of quizalofop butyl 50 g ai/ha at 20 DAS + one hand weeding at 35 DAS in soybean significantly increased the yield of soybean as compared to farmers practice i.e. 2 Hand weeding. There was 19.01 per cent increase in seed yield than control (farmer’s practice). During rabi 2008–09, application of 10 t FYM + 120 kg N + 60 kg P2O5 + 40 kg K2O + 5 kg Zn/ha significantly increased the yield of wheat as compared with no use of balanced application of fertilizer. There was 25.49 per cent increase in grain yield than control (farmer’s practice). The application of 2.5 t vermi compost + 100 kg N + 50 kg P2O5 + 50 kg K2O/ha significantly increased the yield of garlic as compared with no use of balanced application of fertilizer. There was 36.49 per cent increase in bulb yield of garlic than control (farmer’s practice).

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R. P. S. Shaktawat, H. P. Singh, Durga Singh, S. P. S. Somvanshi / Front Line Demonstrations of Different Crop Management Practices in Malwa Region of Madhya Pradesh / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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