Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2016

From Discrimination To Rehabilitation

Shikha Garg

Abstract :

 Manual scavenging is one of the most filthiest job that goes against the humanity. Although it‘s banned in India, the stigma and discrimination associated with it lingers on making it difficult to survive for liberated manual scavengers. The issue of manual scavenging should not only be addressed as a psychosocial but also as an environmental issue. Manual scavenging remains a complicated socio–economic problem, which not only requires adequate funding for its redressal but need a “radical change of mental outlook”. It needs very special attention for their liberation and upliftment. It can happen by the provision of alternative livelihoods, abolishment of dry toilets and imparting free education to children. This paper examines from discrimination to rehabilitation of manual scavengers.

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Shikha Garg From Discrimination To Rehabilitation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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