Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Frequency of Hyponatremia in critically ill patients

Dr Sk Arif Pasha, Dr Sk Afsar Pasha, Dr V Siva Prabodh, Dr S. Desai Vidya, Dr T Suhasini

Abstract :

 INTRODUCTION:Brain and Kidney has a major role in regulating normal sodium and water balance by neuroendocrine regulation. Hyponatremia is an important electrolyte disorder in critically ill patients, This study was carried out to identify the causes of hyponatremia in critically ill patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: It was a prospective observational study, where the clinical diagnosis and biochemical parameters were taken in all ICU admitted cases. RESULTS: The frequency of hyponatremia on ICU admission was 33.6%, most were euvolumic, 60.1%. Females comprised of 57.4%. The mean age was 55.2 + _ 15.4 years. The hyponatremic patients had significant higher APACHE II score when compared to those of normal serum sodium levels, 31+– 9.1 and 25+_ 6.9 (P value < 0.01). 34.6% of hyponatremic group met the criteria for SIADH. CONCLUSION: The major cause of hyponatremia is Syndrome of inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) and it is an independent risk factor for poor prognosis.

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Dr SK Arif Pasha, Dr SK Afsar Pasha, Dr V Siva Prabodh, Dr S. Desai Vidya, Dr T Suhasini Frequency of Hyponatremia in critically ill patients Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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