Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Frequency of ABO–Rh Blood Group in Leukemia

Dr Vixita Nayak

Abstract :

 Background and objective : This study was carried out to assess the relation between Blood Group and Leukemia. Material and Method : This study was conducted in Medical ward of Oncology Department, Civil Hospital Ahmedabad. 37 patients of leukemia diagnosed with bone marrow biopsy were included in the study. Data was collected from those patients who met inclusion criteria who were admitted in oncology department Result : Out of 37 cases Blood Group of 18 patients were A+ve , 6 patients had O+ve blood group , 6 patients had B+ve blood group , 4 had AB+ve blood group , 3 patients had O–ve blood group. Conclusion: Leukemia is significantly associated with A+ blood group

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Dr Vixita Nayak Frequency of ABO-Rh Blood Group in Leukemia Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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