Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

Fournier‘s gangrene in a neonate–A CASE REPORT

Dr. Muthukumaran Jagannathan, Dr. Bala Subramaniam

Abstract :

Fourniers gangrene, an infective necrotizing fasciitis of perineal,genital or perianal region is a serious pathologic entity, primarily affects adult and very rarely in neonatal period. Here in we report a case of Fourniers gangrene, in a neonate, who presented with cellulitis of scrotum and perineal region and subsequently developed gangrene ,which was treated by oad spectrum antibiotics and repeated surgical deidement. The child improved with no major complications. Polymicrobial infection was held responsible for the gangrene. Importance was given on vigorous treatment which included hemodynamic stabilization, parenteral oad spectrum antibiotics and surgical deidement. Our reported case responded well to combination of antibiotics and repeated surgical deidement

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Dr.Muthukumaran jagannathan, Dr.Bala subramaniam Fournier¥s gangrene in a neonate � A CASE REPORT Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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