Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Fostering Sustainable Development and Environmental Education Programmes: Role of Teacher Training Institutions and Colleges of Teacher Education

Dr. Shazli Hasan Khan

Abstract :

In the present scenario, due to anthropogenic activities, environmental degradation is occurring at an alarming and rapid rate and is resulting in various environmental issues one of them being global warming. Science and technology, on the one hand, has ought immense benefits but on the other hand we are paying a heavy price for it. There is a wrong notion that economic development is based only in industrialization. However, science and technology can help in the process of global sustainable environment, but only in a limited way. In India environmental education has been introduced at various school levels. But the teaching of subject is not satisfactory due to lack of proper training of teachers in the field of environmental education. Beå this fact in mind, an attempt has been made through this paper to highlight the necessity of making effective training programmes of prospective teachers in environmental education and sustainable development. The present generation is mindlessly pursuing its needs without thinking for the future generations. Therefore, in order to achieve the acceptable level of global environmental sustainability, the citizens must be empowered with essential knowledge and information especially in developing countries like India. Thus, the present paper concludes that it is the responsibility of teachers and prospective teachers to be able to sensitize their students and the public at large on the important issues related to environment and Sustainable Development.  

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Dr. Shazli Hasan Khan Fostering Sustainable Development and Environmental Education Programmes: Role of Teacher Training Institutions and Colleges of Teacher Education Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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