Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Fort Vasota an Adventure Tourism Destination in Satara District

Anandrao S. Patil

Abstract :

Tourism is an ever expanding service industry with latent vast growth potential. Now–a–days tourism has become significant concern economic activity at the national as well as international level. Adventure tourism is an outdoor leisure activity takes place in an unusual, exotic, and remote or wilderness destination involves some form of unconventional means of transportation and trends to be associated with low or high levels of activity. Satara is one of the important districts of Maharashtra with the high potential for adventure tourism. Forts of Satara especially fort Vasota is always destination of attraction for adventure tourists. Scenic beauty, bird watching, rapids and water–falls, back–water of Koyna dam all worth to experiences. This study is mainly differing in objectives as well as aim to boost adventure tourism industry in the district.

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Anandrao S. Patil Fort Vasota an Adventure Tourism Destination in Satara District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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