Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Formulation and supplementation of iron rich health mix and its effect on haemoglobin levels of adolescent girls

Mrs. V. Subasshini, Mrs. S. Ayesha

Abstract :

Anaemia continues to be a major health problem, particularly among late adolescent girls and affects overall nutritional status of adolescent girls.Hence a study was framed to assess the formulation and supplementation of Iron rich health mix among adolescent girls. The samples include 50 anaemic adolescent vegetarian girls and Non–vegetarian girl (aged 17 to 21years). Iron rich healthmix was prepared with selected Iron rich foods and standardized. They were screened with random sampling and 20 girls were in the control group and 20 girls were supplemented with 20g of iron rich health mix daily for 60 days as experimental group. There was a significant increase in the haemoglobin level of the subjects belonging to the Vegetarian Experimental Group throughout the test periods. The ‘t’ values were 1.9391 [0th vs 30th day],4.5381 [oth vs 60th day]and 2.425[30th vs 60th day] which is significant at 1% and 5% level .

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Mrs.V.SUBASSHINI, Mrs.S.AYESHA Formulation and Supplementation of Iron Rich Health Mix and its Effect on Haemoglobin Levels of Adolescent Girls Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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