Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017


Hemalatha Mummadi, Anitharani Dhanyasi, P. Venkata Ramanababu, K. Lakshmi

Abstract :

 Thyroid  organ is unique among endocrine organs and is subjected to vast array of developmental , hyperplastic, inflammatory and neoplastic disorders.Prior to FNAC 50% of the  cases are operated for thyroid swellings,malignancy was foud in only0.55% to25%.FNAC has reduced these unnecessary thyroid surgeries and is simple , rapid and cost effective test.We have followed Bethesda  system for reporting FNAC cases.Bethesda system is highy standardized ,reprod ucible ,improved clinical significance and greater predictive value.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To study the pathological spectrum of thyroid lesions reported at department of pathology

To determine diagnostic accuracy of FNAC in evaluating thyroid swellings using  6 tier Bethesda system

To assess correlation between preoperative cytodiagnosis and post operative  histopathological examination where ever available

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective study reviewing FNACs between Jan2016 to Dec2016,classified using Bethesda system , found out the distribution of the cases in each Bethesda category and calculatd the malignancy risk for each category by follow up  histopathology

RESULTS: A total of 520 cases of thyroid lesions are subjected to FNAC.Majority cases among them were benign (423 cases with 81.3%) least were malignant (4cases with 0.76%)

In 135 cases biopsy sections for HPE were available.Risk of malignancy  calculated in our study correlated well with Bethesda  system

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Hemalatha mummadi, Anitharani Dhanyasi, P.Venkata Ramanababu, K. Lakshmi, FNAC OF THYROID LESIONS WITH BETHESDA SYSTEM IN CORRELATION WITH HISTOPATHOLOGY, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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