Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Flower Phobia–A Case Report

Dr. Swati S. Joshi, Dr. Sharmishtha S. Deshpande

Abstract :

We present a case of rare type of specific phobia not seen in scientific literature. A 10 year old male child presented with fear of flowers associated with avoidance behavior over past 3 years. His symptoms gradually increased in severity and significantly affected his work functioning. He was diagnosed to have Specific phobia of natural environment type without any co morbidities and treated with behavior therapy alone, wherein systematic desensitization with feared object was done. Over a period of 6months his symptoms remitted completely and he maintained the remission for long term.

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Dr. Swati S. Joshi, Dr. Sharmishtha S. Deshpande Flower Phobia – A Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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