Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Flax Seed: As An Independent Natural Agent For Lipid Profile Improvement

Dr. Rekha Dhamnaskar, Dr. Surekha Prabhu, Dr. Yogesh Pawade

Abstract :

 We conducted a study to see the effect of grounded flaxseed, as part of the daily diet, on the lipid profile of 100 hypercholesterolemic individuals in the age group of 50–60 years. During the 6–wk periods, those were assigned to consume 2 tablespoons of grounded flaxseed seeds daily. Blood samples were collected at baseline before the intervention, and after 6 weeks of the study period. Flaxseed regimen was able to significantly reduce serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL–cholesterol and increase serum HDL–cholesterol. The cholesterol lowering effects of flaxseed was considered due to the activity of single or multiple components, including α–linolenic or linoleic acids, total and soluble fiber, and non–protein constituents present in these seeds.

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Dr. Rekha Dhamnaskar, Dr. Surekha Prabhu, Dr. Yogesh Pawade Flax Seed: As An Independent Natural Agent For Lipid Profile Improvement Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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