Volume : IX, Issue : V, May - 2019


Anudeepika Kashyap, Ellora Madan, Sakshi Malla, Prashant Shahi

Abstract :

Technological revolution has touched every field and society existing today. Dental profession is no exception which, too, is experiencing an enriching amount of technological growth. The dentistry today, often termed as “Digital dentistry” represents the high–tech and easy to implement solutions that were previously only imagined. Internet, a vast array of media is helping to expand this future. With the popularity of smartphones, the era of SmartApps marks the remodelling of dentistry. Smart phone apps related to oral health care are not just for the professionals, rather focus is laid upon to make them accessible to the patients as well. Providing patients with information which they can easily access with a click on their phone, goes a long way in retaining and developing habits necessary for good oral health. Perio specific apps like ‘Brushy’, ‘5 minutes ushing’, ‘Brush DJ’ make the experience of oral hygiene practices more fun and enjoyable which help in disciplining the individuals regarding their periodontal or dental health care. This review will reveal the whole new world of SmartApps redirecting the craze of using mobile applications for a more productive outcome

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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FINGERTIP DENTISTRY- CONFINING DENTISTRY TO THE WORLD OF APPS., Anudeepika Kashyap, Ellora Madan, Sakshi Malla, Prashant Shahi INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-5 | May-2019

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