Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and Lymphadenopathies : A Retrospective Study

Gopinath Rajesh, Meenu E V, Sathyavathi R Alva

Abstract :

The present study was undertaken to analyse the frequency of diseases involving Lymph nodes and to highlight the lymph node group commonly involved. Fine needle aspiration cytology of 120 lymphadenopathy patients over a period of three years revealed tubercular lymphadenitis as the commonest cause of lymphadenopathy followed by  other illnesses in decreasing order of frequency viz reactive lymphadenitis, metastases(carcinoma and melanoma), suppurative lymphadenitis, lymphomas and Rosai Dorfman disease. Most frequently affected was the cervical lymph node group.Tubercular Lymphadenitis had a slight female preponderance while the rest of the illnesses had a predilection for male gender. Upper deep cervical, submandibular and supraclavicular nodes were frequently involved by tubercular disease.Malignancy was quite frequent above forty yrs of age with involvement of  supraclavicular and lower deep cervical nodes.        

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Gopinath Rajesh, Meenu E V, Sathyavathi R Alva, Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and Lymphadenopathies : A Retrospective Study, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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