Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014


Mircea Aurel Nita

Abstract :

Romania, as a member state of the European Union has a financing system consists of public and private resources coming from the state budget revenues, the budget of state social insurance and private insurance. Current mechanisms, underlying health system costs covering of the EU member states, have in center the principle of social solidarity. According to this principle, all citizens, regardless of income they are entitled to, have the health protection right achieved. In Romania, funding of health expenditure is mainly performed by the public sector and the private sector further. Claw-back contribution type was settled by the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 104/2009 on healthcare reform. This article aims the funding system limits of the public health sector, identifying the main public revenues for health. Also in this context was carried out a SWOT analysis of the claw-back contribution, which constitutes a personal income source of the Ministry of Health.

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Mircea Aurel NITA FINANCING HEALTH SYSTEM IN ROMANIA AND THE CLAW-BACK TAX Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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