Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

Financial Performance of General Insurance Business in India–A Study of Select Indicators

Ms. T. Rani, Dr. H. Shankar

Abstract :

General insurance business is one of the progressing businesses in India. In the recent decade many private and foreign general insurance companies had entered into this business. The study mainly concentrated on measuring financial performance in terms of capital adequacy and assets quality of public sector general insurance companies. Secondary data was collected for the period of 10 years from 2003–04 to 2012–13. The National General Insurance Company Limited was found to be wanting in capital compared to the other companies. This was due to the fact that while other companies had infused capital periodically, this was not done by this company proportionate to the business generated. Hence an element of risk is found in this aspect. This is also reflected with regard to asset backing of this company which was comparatively less than that of other companies. Quality of assets in terms of equity investments was found to be in similar range for all the companies except for the lower levels of this asset for United India Insurance Company. This is bound to have an impact in the overall profits due to the lower investment income.

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Ms.T.Rani,Dr.H.Shankar Financial Performance Of General Insurance Business In India � A Study Of Select Indicators Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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