Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015

Financial Inclusion –– A key to Micro finance

Nishant Thard, Jagwinder Singh

Abstract :

 Microcredit is a recent addition to India’s poverty–alleviation strategy. Finance plays a very dominant role in a person’s economic work life balance. For this an individual needs to get exposed to the various financial services present at his/her disposal. The paper is an attempt to examine the role of PMJDY in expanding banking services for financial inclusion and to identify the main problems prevailing in microfinance in India. The roadway towards the success of micro finance can be achieved with the help of financial inclusion as it is the basic tool to idge the gap between the poor population and formal financial institutions. There are various issues which the govt. and financial institution have to face in the proper implementation of the financial inclusion schemes. Without the proper functioning of these schemes, it is quiet implacable to achieve micro finance objectives.

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Nishant Thard, Jagwinder Singh / Financial Inclusion –– A key to Micro finance / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 11 November 2015

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