Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Fetomaternal outcome in multiple pregnancy� A prospective analysis

Dr. Meenakshi Dhakad, Dr Devika Chaudhary, Dr Vinayak Gour

Abstract :

 OBJECTIVE: Multiple pregnancy needs special attention as it is associated with an increased risk for mother and foetus. This study evaluate the risk of delivery complications and adverse perinatal outcome in females with multiple pregnancy. Methodology;In this prospective cohort study conducted in department of obs/gyn JLN Medical College Ajmer, around 100 cases of multiple pregnancy were taken into consideration and patients were followed up from admission till delivery and neonatal outcome analysed. Main outcome measures were maternal complications (anaemia ,preterm labour ,PIH ,PPH ) etc) perinatal mortality and morbidity. Results; Incidence of twin pregnancy was 1:66, 63% were from rural areas ,34%were primigravida, and 62% were second to sixth gravida with family history found in 16%cases.In 43% cases vertex presentation and in remaining vertex eech being commonest. Incidence of operative delivery was 30% and spontaneous delivery was 70% incidence of monozygotic twin was 38% and dizygotic twin was 62% .

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Dr. Meenakshi Dhakad, Dr Devika Chaudhary, Dr Vinayak Gour Fetomaternal outcome in multiple pregnancy� A prospective analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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