Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016


Ms. Chinnu Sebastian, Dr. Suja Mk

Abstract :

 An Alcoholic is a person, while alcoholism is an illness and long– term (chronic) disease. An alcoholic means from alcoholism. Alcoholism is also known as a family disease. Alcohol addiction in families affects that family eakups, divorce and poor academic performance of children. The Family interaction Pattern statements pertaining to six dimension i.e., reinforcement, social, role, communication, cohesiveness and leadership. It is constructed based on the model of evolution of the family system, giving important time scale, type of system, evolution of the dominant characteristics, and the environmental inputs. The Descriptive Research Design was used for the study. Total population study or Census method was used. 100 male alcoholic patients were interviewed from IQRAA Hospital Psychiatric & De–addiction Department Kozhikode, Kerala. The Family Interaction Pattern Scale developed by Bhatti et al (1986) was used for data collection. It was also associated with certain socio Demographic variables the findings points towards implications for alcoholics

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Ms. Chinnu Sebastian, Dr. Suja MK FAMILY INTERACTION PATTERN OF MALE ALCOHOLICS Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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