Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Family Environment and Psychological Well–Being Among Private College and Government College Students

Chetan S. V, Dr. Y. T. Balakrishna Acharya

Abstract :

This is an exploratory study that aimed to examine the differences in family environment and psychological well–being among private college and government college students of Bangalore. The sample for the study consisted of 60 male and 60 female degree students (average age=19 years.) Simple Random sampling procedure was used for the study. The sample was administered the Family Environment Scale by Vohra and the Psychological Well–Being Scale by Sisodia and Choudhary. Two–Way Analysis of Variance was used to study the interactive effects of gender and nature of institution on different areas of family environment and psychological well–being. The findings reveal that,private college students have betterfamily environment in different areas than government college students; Female college students were found to have better family environment in different areas than male students; and Interactive effects of gender and nature of institution were found to be significant on the areas of cohesion, independence, moral orientation, organization and recreational orientation. The findings also reveal that, in the area of psychological well–being, female students had higher Satisfaction, Efficiency, Mental Health and Interpersonal Relations than male students. However, male students and females students did not differ significantly in the area of Sociability; and Significant interactive effects of gender and nature of institution were found on Efficiency and Sociability and not on the areas of Satisfaction, Mental Health and interpersonal Relations of psychological well–being.

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Chetan S.V,Dr. Y.T. BalakrishnaAcharya Family Environment and Psychological Well-Being Among Private College and Government College Students Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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