Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Family and Marginalisation of Elders

Dr. M. Jeyaseelan, Mr. G. Prabu

Abstract :

Ageing is an emerging social issue in the developing countries like India. Unlike yesteryears, the family dilutes its social function which results in genesis of problems of elders. We know very well that it is a biological process and every individual of different social, economic and religious segments confronts this stage. We, the Indian, have very cherished values in which elders are given due reverence and respect. But the situation is like boot on the other leg.The emerging materialistic attitude and individualism make the milieu worse in which elders are alienated from his own family settings. Old age homes are the bye product of the present condition.

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Dr.M.Jeyaseelan, Mr.G.Prabu Family and Marginalisation of Elders Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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