Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2017

Familial Dyskeratotic Comedones – Case report in four families – A Rare entity.

Dr Ravi Vadrevu, Dr K Chandrakala, Dr Vkg Sudha

Abstract :

  Familial dyskeratotic comedones(FDC) is a rare asymptomatic Autosomal Dominant condition with distinctive clinical and histopathological features. The condition usually starts at puberty as comedones or hyperkeratotic papules that are widespread mostly involving the trunk, arms and face. The lesions are usually asymptomatic showing worsening with time causing cosmetic disfigurement to the patient. Histology shows invagination of the epidermis with a lamellar keratinous plug and focal evidence of dyskeratosis. This condition shows poor response to treatment. We report four cases of this condition showing strong family history of the same.

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Dr Ravi Vadrevu, Dr K Chandrakala, Dr VKG Sudha, Familial Dyskeratotic Comedones – Case report in four families – A Rare entity., Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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