Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

FAME Analysis for Identification of Clinical Isolate Siderophore Producing Pseudomonas Species

Syed Sajeed Ali

Abstract :

The genus Pseudomonas contains more than 140 species most of which known to cause disease in humans. Identification of Pseudomonas by conventional methods usually requires 48 h and it’s time consuming process. In this study 13 Pseudomonas spp were isolated from patients and hospital environment, they were identified as Pseudomonas spp on the basis of morphology and biochemical test. All 13 isolates were shown siderophore production on Chromo azurol S agar plate. Further their identities were confirmed by FAME analysis which revealed out of 13, four strains exactly similar to Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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Syed Sajeed Ali / FAME Analysis for Identification of Clinical Isolate Siderophore Producing Pseudomonas Species / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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