Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Factors influencing pediatricians' prescribing behaviour in the treatment of bronchiolitis: knowledge may not be the key.

Dr. Suryakanta Baraha, Dr. Prithi Sureka Mummidi, Dr. Rameswar Prasad Mishra, Dr. Saumyajit Maiti

Abstract :

There is unjustified use of drugs like onchodilators, corticosteroids and antibiotics for treatment of onchiolitis by the pediatricians despite of well framed recommendations. This study was conducted to identify the factors determining prescribing practices of pediatricians for treatment of onchiolitis and to possibly correlate therapeutic choices to the severity of clinical presentation.Fifty three infants with onchiolitis were included in the studyand prospectively analyzed. RDAI (Respiratory Distress Assessment Instrument) scorewas assessedat the time of admission in the hospital. To find out the therapeutic behavior of the clinicians a specific questionnaire was submitted to them. The study reveals no statistically significant association between thedrugs used with severity or RDAI score. The study confirmed theover prescription ofdrugsinonchiolitismanagement. Thereasonsofpediatricianstoprescribedrugsweremainlytheperception of clinical severity of the disease andparental anxiety

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr.Suryakanta Baraha,Dr. PrithiSureka Mummidi, Dr. Rameswar Prasad Mishra, Dr. Saumyajit Maiti Factors influencing pediatricians' prescribing behaviour in the treatment of bronchiolitis: knowledge may not be the key. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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