Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2015

Factors Influencing Laptop Buying Behavior A Study on Students Pursuing UG/PG in Computer Science Department of Assam University

D. K. Pandiya, Brajesh Kumar, Debanjan Chakraborty

Abstract :

Laptop is one such contribution of the modern technology which not only addresses the gap between and among the boundaries but also eases the process of exchange by reducing the time involved in the process, in addition to many other benefits. The technology today, like the tastes and preferences of the customers, is fast changing. It, therefore, becomes imperative on the part of manufacturers and the traders to know the revised needs and preferences etc. of their customers. Since the army of the students engaged in learning the computer science is more equipped and cautious about the quality and type etc., of the laptop, their views were noted down with regard to popular and common product attributes of the laptops of various ands. A study of the degree of satisfaction of the laptop owners and users with a mind to have a comparison over various ands of laptops was conducted in the present work. The findings of this study may prove useful for the manufacturers, distributors and/or retailers. For 22 attributes, it was found that the attributes like ‘Recovery Disk’ and ‘Goodwill of the Retailer’ may be useful only for the retailers, whereas the ‘availability in the market’ is one such attribute, the findings about which may be useful to all the three in the chain.

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D.K. Pandiya, Brajesh Kumar, Debanjan Chakraborty Factors Influencing Laptop Buying Behavior a Study on Students Pursuing Ug/Pg in Computer Science Department of Assam University Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 12 December 2015

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