Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Factors Influencing Impulse Buying of Personal Care Products in Salem City

Dr. A. Vinayagamoorthy, P. Kannan

Abstract :

In today’s Post–modern Era shopping is has become a social and leisure activity, reducing the number of cognitively planned purchases made by consumers. Hedonic and pleasure driven shopping endeavours have led to the rapid increase in impulse buying, making it common place and socially acceptable. Even though, most impulse decisions are made when consumers are inside the store, the effect of in–store stimuli on such decisions has not been adequately explored. This has led to the purpose of this research, which is to understand the interaction between consumer’s affective states and in–store stimuli, with respect to impulse buying. In keeping with the exploratory nature of the research, an interpretive approach was employed to collect data on the garment shopping behaviour of young females, through semi–structured, in–depth interviews. The analysis of the information gathered highlights the importance of in–store stimuli on impulse buying as well as illustrates its interaction with consumer specific variables and affective states.

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Dr. A. Vinayagamoorthy, P. kannan Factors Influencing Impulse Buying of Personal Care Products in Salem City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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