Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Factors Attracting Children to View TV Commercials–A Study Using Factor Analysis

Dr. G. Kalaivanan, B. Ussaima

Abstract :

The study aims at focusing on Factors Attracting Children to View TV Commercials in Madurai City. In this study the authors observed that among the 13 variables ‘Pleasant music from the advertisements’ has the highest loading. This result reveals that children are attracted to view the commercials because of the pleasant music played in the advertisements. Any propagation of advertisements is to make the viewers to take purchase decision. The huge amount spent by the advertiser goes waste if it fails to draw attention of the target audience.

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Dr.G.Kalaivanan, B.Ussaima Factors Attracting Children to View TV Commercials - A Study Using Factor Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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