Volume : VIII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Factors affecting Motivation

Sukhdeep Kaur

Abstract :

 Research on motivation has attracted academic, corporate and other fields (likesports, teaching and transportation)over

the last two decades. In any organisation employees motivation is the key factor for organisational performance for
achieving organisational goals. Previous studies have shown positive impact of motivation and job satisfactionon organisationalperformance.
This research paper contains theoretical and practical aspects of motivation. It will also discuss the various strategies and methods used to
motivate human resources for greater productivity and efficient disposition of duties.
Review of the literature:–Some Authors give their conclusive views on motivation.which are discuss below.
1.“Efficiency at doing a certain task, at the workplace or otherwise, is strongly influenced by how motivated individuals are. Exploring new ways
to motivate employees is often at the top of a company‘s agenda. Traditionally identified motivators in Western economies primarily include
salary and prestige, often complemented by meaning, creation, challenge, ownership, identity, etc. We report the results of a survey conducted in
Slovenia, involving an ensemble of highly educated employees from various public and private organizations. Employing new methodologies
such as network analysis, we find that Slovenians are stimulated by an intricate web of interdependent factors, largely in contrast to the
traditional understanding that mainly emphasizes money and prestige. In fact, these key motivators only weakly correlate with the demographic
parameters. Unexpectedly, we found the evidence of a general optimism in Slovenian professional life – a tendency of the employees to look at
the “ight side of things”, thus seeing more clearly the benefits of having something than the drawbacks of not having it. We attribute these
particularities to Slovenian recent history, which revolves around gradually emacing the Western (economic) values”. © 2015 Damij et al.
2.“A positive workplace is the basic element that will get your company to the top. We understand that it may be time consuming and difficult to
encourage employee motivation at the workplace. However, in order to achieve a high level of employee productivity, management needs to
encourage a positive workplace environment.Ensure that your employees feel that their work and efforts is an important contribution to the
company‘s success. Remember to always keep an ‘open–door‘ policy and have an approachable management team”.Written by Heryati R.
Research methodology:– This article is based on secondary data (online published research papers and books) and with some findings. All
reference books and educational sites are mentioned below.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Sukhdeep Kaur, Factors affecting Motivation, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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