Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Factors Affecting Investors‘ Decision Making Behaviour in The Stock Market: An Analytical Review

Reena Rani

Abstract :

Investment, in the oadest sense, means the sacrifice of current money for the future income. There are two attributes involved: time and risk. The investment takes place in the present and is generally certain. The reward comes later and the amount of reward is generally uncertain. There are large numbers of investment avenues available in the market. The investors choose avenues, depending upon their specific need, risk appetite, and return expected. Every individual is different from others due to different factors which include demographic factors, age, race and sex, education level, social and economic background; same is the situation with the investors. The most important challenge faced by them is the investment decision. The investigation of previous studies reveals the significance of various factors which affect their investment decision making behavior. This paper aims an attempt to discuss the various factors affecting investor decision making behavior in the stock market, were identified by extensive review of literature.

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Reena Rani Factors Affecting Investors� Decision Making Behaviour in The Stock Market: An Analytical Review Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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