Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2017

Factorial Analysis of Emotional Intelligence in Home Based Glass Bangle Women Workers

Ritu Bansal, Dr. Chandra Kumari

Abstract :

 Home–based worker’ are those workers who collect the work from the factories and perform the activities at their home like: bangle making, kite making, beedi making, incense stick etc.

Workers who are more emotionally intelligent promote personal growth, help in decision making and maintain balance between household chores and activities related to bangle work. The objectives of the study were: to find out the emotional intelligence level among home based women workers and to analyze the important factors of emotional intelligence among home based women workers. This study was conducted in the home based glass bangle women workers of Firozabad district (Uttar Pradesh). The population of the present study was belongs to 25–35 years of age–group. The survey was conducted on sixty subjects who were selected through purposive sampling technique. The Emotional Intelligence Scale: Indian Norms adapted by Nutankumar S Thingujam and Usha Ram (2000) was used to test the emotional intelligence. Data were analysis using SPSS (version 20). Study recognized that emotional intelligence has helped significantly manage one’s emotions and other’s emotions. This would promote personal growth, help in decision making and maintain balance between household chores and activities related to bangle work.

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Ritu Bansal, Dr. Chandra Kumari, Factorial Analysis of Emotional Intelligence in Home Based Glass Bangle Women Workers, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾4 | April-2017

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