Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Facilitating Dietary Intake using Pictorial Portion Sizes of Indian Recipes

Ankita Gupta, Dr. Vandana Singh

Abstract :

The growing rate of metabolic diseases poses a major challenge to the health and nutrition status of the general public. Being linked to faulty lifestyle and eating pattern, these disorders can be checked at an early stage by imposing self corrective measures. While talking of such measures the first and foremost thing which comes to the mind is to make the people aware of healthy eating practices. In today’s times when people have a dearth of time and their hectic job schedules at Multi National Companies leads them to binge on unhealthy junk food. All these habits manifest in the form of overweight, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure at a very early age. The general public is unaware of the portion size that they should eat. To facilitate dietary intake of the general public, a pictorial method of estimating portion size would be helpful as visual medium is more effective than any other medium. In the present study, 50 common Indian recipes were standardised for one portion size, their photographs were captured via a digital medium and further nutrient calculation was carried out for all these recipes. This will be helpful for the people at large to check the portion sizes that they are currently eating and to improve on their eating habits by gaining information on correct portion sizes.

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Ankita Gupta, Dr.Vandana Singh Facilitating Dietary Intake using Pictorial Portion Sizes of Indian Recipes Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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