Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

Facial Nerve Paralysis Management – Our Experience

Prof. Dr. Balasubramanian Covindarasu, Dr. Ganeshkumar Balasubramaniam

Abstract :

 Introduction:                                                     Facial nerve traverse a long course within a bony canal in Temporal bone. It is vulnerable for damage during ear surgeries & trauma. Otitis Media also leads to Facial palsy. Objectives:                       Study about the Causes, Effects of different management protocols and Outcome after a minimum of 6 months follow–up. Study Design:                        Retrospective Study. Materials and Methods:                              Conducted in our department  from Sep 2013 – Aug 2016 . 39 cases of  LMN type of Facial Palsy cases  included & followed for 6 months to 2½ years. Treatment outcomes are assessed and compared. Results:              Bell’s Palsy is commonest one followed by CSOM and Traumatic causes. Cholesteatoma and Granulation tissue are common finding in  AAD cases. Longitudinal fracture more in number. Discussion:                             Management with high dose steroids  for Bells Palsy and Surgery in case of no response. Mastoidectomy with Facial Nerve Decompression for COM. Trans Canal Facial nerve Decompression in Traumatic cases. Dehiscent Fallopian Canal common is finding in ASOM with Facial Palsy cases. Conclusion;                             Medical Management was enough for 90% of Bells palsy cases. Early Decompression gives better results in Traumatic cases. Early diagnosis and proper treatment will avoid the development of Facial palsy in Cholesteatoma.

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Prof. Dr. Balasubramanian Covindarasu, Dr.Ganeshkumar Balasubramaniam, Facial Nerve Paralysis Management – Our Experience, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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