Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Eye donation campaign -where do we stand !

Dr Shweta Walia

Abstract :

Corneal blindness is a major public health problem . Traditionally, barriers to increased corneal transplantation have been daunting, with limited tissue availability and lack of trained corneal surgeons making widespread keratoplasty services cost prohibitive and logistically unfeasible. The ascendancy of cataract surgical rates and more robust eye care infrastructure of several Asian and African countries now provide a solid base from which to dramatically expand corneal transplantation rates. However despite sincere efforts by nationalised eye banks  at present in India around 45,000 to 50,000 corneas are collected each year while the requirement of cornea today is 12 million.To achieve this target, intensive education and motivation among the general public for eye donation is required. In this paper we have discussed the various efforts made by our institution  to  fight against  corneal blindness .

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Dr Shweta Walia, Eye donation campaign -where do we stand !, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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