Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Extraction of Coelomic Fluid from the Earthworm Perionyx Sansibaricus for the Antibacterial Activities

Dr. Shankerappa S. Hatti, Ramkrishna B.

Abstract :

It is proved that earthworm coelomic fluid is having antibacterial activity. It was our interest to know the antibacterial activity of the coelomic fluid of Perionyx sansibaricus against pathogenic bacteria like Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas, Proteus and Bacillus.Perionyx sancibaricus is local species of earthworm present in Gulbarga. The antibacterial activity of the coelomic fluid of the earthworm was tested in comparison with the commercial antibiotics available in the market. The antibacterial activity was determined by the zone of inhibition by coelomic fluid of earthworm Perionyx sansibaricus against bacterial strains. The zone of inhibition varies from species to species it is specific. The best inhibitory effect of coelomic fluid of Perionyx sansibaricus on the growth of Proteus is 16 mm and that on Pseudomonas 8 mm, where as the zone of inhibition is only 7 mm against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus

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Dr. Shankerappa S. Hatti, Ramkrishna B / Extraction of Coelomic Fluid from the Earthworm Perionyx Sansibaricus for the Antibacterial Activities / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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