Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2017

Extent, pattern and reasons of Defaults in Smear positive Tuberculosis cases– An Ambispective study

Dr. Gaikwad Pradip

Abstract :

 Tuberculosis remains major health problem in India despite best available strategy of DOTS and robust regimens under RNTCP. HIV infections and sustained increase in Diabetes pose major challenge in making T.B. free India. Defaults in treatment period have been the major cause of emergence of resistance causing Multi Drug Resistant, Extensive Multi Drug Resistant T.B. This study focuses on extent, pattern of defaults and reasons of drop outs and discusses the possible solutions to address them. Only 74/390 (19%) study subjects completed the treatment without any default. 316 defaulters defaulted 589 times with mean default 1.86 times. It was notable finding that first timer defaulters had high propensity to drop out. 56.9% first timers were lost during intensive phase. The reasons of default were Migration (25.2%), Felt better (22%), Social reasons (20%), Economic reasons (14.8%), Carelessness (6.5%), side effects of drugs (4.5%), Loss of faith (4.5%) while 7.7% subjects could not specify any reason of default.

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Dr. Gaikwad Pradip, Extent, pattern and reasons of Defaults in Smear positive Tuberculosis cases– An Ambispective study, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2017

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