Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Exploring News in the Digital Age: An Overview

Dr. Aaliya Ahmed, Dr. Malik Zahra Khalid

Abstract :

The nature and pace of technological change is mind boggling. The world wide web is exponentially expanding and so are the choices for the user. The speed of Internet has changed the way people receive the information. Contemporary society has been revolutionized by the rapid growth and development of communication technologies. The proliferating convergence of the media has ought about a transformation in the process of communication and transmission of information. This present era of transition from traditional newspapers to digitally produced news offers both opportunities and challenges. New thinking and new methodologies are needed to cope with the challenges of digital news production and distribution. The impact of the internet on the news content is more visible. As the number of online newspapers is increasing, it becomes pertinent to assess the dimensions of the new media due to which nature of the new content is in a constant state of flux

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Dr. Aaliya Ahmed, Dr.Malik Zahra Khalid Exploring News in the Digital Age: An Overview

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