Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Exploring a Low Velocity Foreign Body in Brain–––is CT Scan Always Necessary?

Dr Rohan P Patil, Dr M N Ghatge, Dr V V Gaikwad, Dr. A S Joshi, Dr A D Chougle, Dr R M Kulkarni, Dr Sheetal Murchite

Abstract :

Penetrating head injury is a life–threatening condition. Penetrating head injuries with impacted object are rare and in occipital region are rarer. The mechanism of low velocity injury is different from high velocity missile injury. Most cases result from industrial accidents, criminal assault & self–inflicted injury (1–4).It is difficult to investigate & manage patients with impacted insitu objects, and if the anticipated problems are not managed properly, they may give rise to serious complications. This case was diagnosed by simple investigation like X–RAY skull, prompt Neurological evaluation & immediate surgical exploration which resulted in complete recovery.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr Rohan P Patil, Dr M N Ghatge, Dr V V Gaikwad, Dr. A S Joshi, Dr A D Chougle, Dr R M Kulkarni, Dr Sheetal Murchite / Exploring a Low Velocity Foreign Body in Brain---is CT Scan Always Necessary? / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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