Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Exploration of Thyroid Profile Among The Type 2 Diabetics: A Hospital Based Study

Dr. Saumyajit Maiti, Dr. Smita Padhy, Dr. Kamal Lochan Das, Dr. Priya Mohan Mohanty

Abstract :

Autoimmune thyroid diseases are prevalent among type 1 diabetes patients. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism have been reported among type 2 diabetics in various studies. With this background, a cross sectional hospital based study, designed to estimate the thyroid hormones among type 2 diabetes patients and to find out the correlation of thyroid hormones with various biochemical parameters among diabetics, was conducted with patients of type 2 diabetes as cases and age & sex matched healthy volunteers as controls. Plasma glucose, HbA1c, serum T3, T4, and TSH were measured and analyzed by mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient in SPSS. Only serum TSH level was found to be significantly high among patients having high blood glucose and HbA1c level. The study revealed that there is significant rise of TSH level among diabetic patients; but presence of sub–clinical hypothyroidism among diabetics requires a better sample size.

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Dr. Saumyajit Maiti, Dr. Smita Padhy, Dr. Kamal Lochan Das, Dr. Priya Mohan Mohanty Exploration of Thyroid Profile Among The Type 2 Diabetics: A Hospital Based Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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