Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Explicating Service Quality–A Study of Commercial Banks in Indian Banking Sector

Dr. Siddharatha Shankar Bhardwaj, Shikha Mehta

Abstract :

PURPOSE : The banking sector continues to be one of the prime drivers of economic growth. With India experiencing a cycle of growth, the Rs 81 trillion (US$ 1.34trillion)–Indian Banking is industry is poised to grow exponentially as the sector reflects the health of an economy . Banking sector faced with cut throat competition, induced by globalization and advances in technologies, has ought customer satisfaction to the center of the focus. Service Quality is one of the inflections of customer satisfaction and is critical for survival in today’s competitive environment. Service quality, in fact, is dependent upon the service performance and how far it is able to satisfy customers. The present study makes an endeavour to gauge the service quality in selected Banks of India by garnering the views of the customers pertaining to their expectations and actual perception about the services being rendered to them. This is an empirical research. Study revealed that there exists differences in the perception and expectations of the customers as far as their evaluation of banks on various dimensions of service quality are concerned.

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Dr. Siddharatha Shankar Bhardwaj, Shikha Mehta Explicating Service Quality –A Study of Commercial Banks in Indian Banking Sector Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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